HSA currently performs corrosion coupon evaluations (optical, scanning electron microscopy and weight loss measurements) and manufactures corrosion coupons, both weight loss (WL) and electron microscopy (EM) coupons.

HSA has been analyzing both EM and the more common weight loss coupons since 2010. The analysis is performed as per our customers’ requirements, but generally consists of cleaning the coupons using an inhibited acid solution (NACE Standard RP0775-2005 Item No. 21017), macroscopic photography, optical analysis (NACE Standard TM0169-2000 Item No. 21200) and weight loss measurements. EM coupons have additional analysis requirements and are typically examined in a scanning electron microscope at higher magnifications to identify potential microbial corrosion (MIC). Depending on the requirements of the customer, the data can be provided to the client by a variety of different means. HSA can send data files in the form of Excel spreadsheets or enter the data into your company database.

Analyzing the coupons has given HSA unique insights on perfecting the manufacturing process. HSA has manufactured over 12,000 coupons, in a variety of different styles for our customers. Providing a consistent surface finish, a timely production and accurate weight measurements is paramount to our customers’ satisfaction.

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